Star wars battlefront 2 mouse acceleration
Star wars battlefront 2 mouse acceleration

star wars battlefront 2 mouse acceleration

Starfighter Sensitivity 118 - I am using the custom curve posted by Zationysk earlier in thread Hip Sensitivity 22.5 - I am using the custom curve Voban posted earlier in threadĪDS Sensitivity 24 - Also using custom curve Voban posted

star wars battlefront 2 mouse acceleration star wars battlefront 2 mouse acceleration

I pretty much just got the XIM4 for this title on XBONE, I'm loving it (especially the new DLC map). I'll go ahead and post my full current settings for this game. I'd like to get a better custom curve, but I'm not real sure I understand how to make one Any forum posts exist that explain this well? I am just using the default ST with sensitivity at 100 for vehicles (with 2500 DPI mouse). I have been having the best success with AAT and AT-ST in this game, easily getting 50+ kills on Kashyyk and Crait when I use the heavy armor.

Star wars battlefront 2 mouse acceleration